Thursday, May 31, 2012

Depressing time...over! For now at least

Yay! I am redeemed, loved, blessed, taken care of, strengthened and saved by my risen Savior, Jesus Christ! 
For the last few months I have been going through a extremely rough time. On the outside my life looked good. I don't think many others knew what was going on. On the outside I was fine but on the inside I was an ugly mess. I felt like my sin had put me so far from God that He couldn't hear me even when I was crying out to Him. It came down to a choice. Did I want to choose the direction my life seemed to be headed and disappoint my heavenly Father, my family, friends and myself? Or would I choose an abundant life full of blessings? 
I made my choice :) 
(One of those pictures that the kids borrowed my camera for :) )