Monday, January 24, 2011

My life or His life...

A lot has gone on in my life recently. I feeling torn in two different directions. Should I live life for God or for myself? 
On Saturday I went to a thing called Mission Connexion and I walked around and seen all the different booths; each one promoting some kind of missionary work. I felt drawn most to the ministries involving orphans. Those who know me well, know that I love to work with kids. I got a bunch of information about the different ministries and the whole day I just had this very strong feeling. Does God want me in orphan missions? A verse one of the speakers reminded us of was Isaiah 6:8 "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!". The whole day I just prayed for that verse to be true in my life.
The day before I went to this missions conference, my CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) director, Julie had asked me if I wanted to take TCE (Teaching Children Effectively). She told me to pray about it and than tell her my decision when I was ready. She also wanted to know if I would go to Good News Across America in Utah with her this summer. It is a summer missionary camp type thing. The only thing is, it costs 600$. In the summer I will also be going to CYIA (Christian Youth In Action) which is also a children's mission camp. It costs 300$. 
I just got off the phone with Julie and I was feeling a little stressed. How am I suppose to raise 900$ in six months? 
In my heart I know that God wants me to serve Him with my life but my flesh says that I should do whatever I want and not what God wants. It's a tough battle. But I have to choose. 
Please pray for me, that I make the right decision in my life. 

In His Name,

1 comment:

  1. Karis, I'm praying for you and the decisions that your going to have to make.


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