Tuesday, June 7, 2011


This last Saturday was my highschool graduation! Even though I did not go to public school, our homeschool group likes to put on really nice graduation for the seniors :) It's really nice! But there is a bunch of stress involved too. At least there was for me. There are several people sho helped out a ton! And they all know who they are! Thanks all of you! It was a great, busy day! But I am glad it was a success and I am also glad it is over. Though now I feel pretty free, it wont be that way for long because I start college in the fall. But I am oober excited about college! Mainly because most of the classes I'm taking shouldn't be to hard. And I never would have made it without the divine strength that got me through (My God) :)
This season in my life is over
A new one to begin
Excited for the future
Happy about the past
I find myself in a pleasent daze
Thankful for it all   <-- My attempt at poetry of sorts ;)

Me and a friend who was also graduating :)

Hopefully I will be blogging more now that school is done! :D
In Christ,