Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quick update

Hey all
I've been extremely busy these last few months :P With school, work and everything in between I haven't been able to blog. I will give you a quick update though :) I have decided to try to get my nursing degree. I figure it could be very useful and since I might not be getting married for some time I have time. I took a placement test at the college Wednesday and tested higher than I had last time I tested (surprise surprise, considering I haven't done school since I graduated last year) so there are several classes I don't even have to take now! Yay!
I also have been really thinking and praying about moving out. I have some wonderful Christian girlfriends in town that have a room that I can move into. I really feel at peace about the whole situation but my parents aren't feeling the same.
I've been working full time and even get to be the candy stocker (Haha that sounds funny but it sounds better than candy dealer right? Lol)
Things have been rough at home as I am finding there is a lot that I don't agree with my parents about :P

I would appreciate your prayers for things going on in my life right now :)
Will try to give updates more often :)
In His Name,